Sunday 20 May 2007

NLP and law of attraction

NLP and law of attraction

For Richard Bandler’s NLP course on CD, visit:

NLP is about attracting good things and feelings and removing bad things and bad feelings.


10 Tips to Clean Up Your Vibration
by Jeannette Maw

Cleaning up your vibration is essential to successful manifesting. Many rely on techniques like journaling and visualization to get what they want, overlooking the importance of an aligned vibration. Once your vibe is straight, your manifested desires arrive with speed and ease.

So how to clean up your vibration? It’s simple: Feel Good! But because that’s easier said than done, here are ten tips to straighten out your vibe:

Filter your thoughts – deliberately entertain thoughts that feel good. Although it may be impossible to eliminate all negative thoughts, you can give them less air time. Practice consistently holding thoughts that lighten your heart and lift your soul.

Do what you like – do things you enjoy, and don’t do things you don’t enjoy! Look at your current to-do list. What aren’t you looking forward to? Cross those off and delegate or hire those items out (or decide they don’t need to be done after all). Add three things to your list you love to do.

Enjoy your food - fill your body with food that feels good, regardless whether someone says it’s good for you or not. They don’t know. Your body knows. Listen to it.

Indulge – many of us were taught not to splurge or spoil ourselves. The truth is you deserve to be treated well by yourself and others. Set the example by spoiling yourself regularly. Listen for what your heart wants and indulge it!

Love your people – you know those people who leave you feeling drained? Stop seeing them. Seek out people who are fun to be around. Your vibration takes a toll each time you listen to someone’s tirade, and is lifted when you share fun stories and laughter. Give your vibe the people it likes.

Hang out with animals – spend time with a four-legged friend. If you don’t already have an animal companion, visit a neighbor’s, set up a bird feeder, or volunteer for a rescue group. Animals are natural balancers of energy!

Spend time in nature – spending time in nature is very cleansing to your energy. Take a walk in the park; sit on the porch to feel the breeze; lie on the grass to watch the clouds. Even raking leaves or shoveling snow can be good for the soul!

Filter your media – filtering the vibrations you allow in is one of the best ways to clean up your vibe. Feed your soul books that turn you on; stop reading what doesn’t feel good (tabloids, trade journals, daily newspapers). If there’s news you really need, someone will tell you. If there’s a tv show you truly enjoy, tune in and then turn it off. Listen to music you enjoy; avoid unpleasant sounds.

Metta practice – regularly experiencing love and appreciation will get your vibe squeaky clean in no time. Whether you call it metta practice (loving kindness), random acts of kindness or something else, practice sending out love and appreciation to everything around you.

Declutter – cleaning up the energy of your immediate environment will dramatically improve your vibration. Practice simplicity. Let go of things you don’t need or want; be selective about what you let in; organize the spaces that need attention (basements and closets included).

Don’t feel overwhelmed; start with the two tips that get your attention. As you clean up your vibe, you may experience minor side effects while your body adjusts to the new chemicals you’re flowing. That’s ok, it passes and becomes more natural to maintain a high vibration. All of which brings you that much closer to dreams come true!

Jeannette Maw is an Attraction Coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching who teaches clients the three secrets to getting what they want, once and for all.

I hope you enjoyed this article Paul. If you haven't done so already, check out Jeannette's website. Just click the link above. I'll talk to you again in a couple of weeks when I'll have another issue of Magnetic News ready.

Attract a wonderful life,

For Richard Bandler’s NLP course on CD, visit:

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